====== How to map port name from ifTable to a dot1QVLAN ID and Name ====== THe following steps can be used to map an ifIndex to a dot1QVLAN ID. This helps with ISP customers of Trisul who also want to see the VLAN ID in the same table as the interface names. - Retrieve the full dot1dBasePortTable (. ) ''snmpwalk .17.1.4'' - Lookup the ifIndex in the column dot1dBasePortIfIndex (. and locate the table index dot1dBasePort(. - Retrieve the full dot1qPortVlanTable(. ''snmpwalk'' - Lookup the dot1dBasePort from step 2 as the index and get the dot1qPvid (. - This is the VLANID for the ifIndex - To retrieve the name of the VLAN . get the full .dot1qVlanStaticTable (. ''snmpwalk .'' - Get the dot1qVlanStaticName . against the table index. ===== MIBS needed ===== The following MIB modules are referenced. You can use Unbrowse SNMP to load them all from the [[https://www.unleashnetworks.com/products/unbrowse-snmp/mib-packages.html|MIB Packages page]] Use the Riverstone package which contains the packages. * IF-MIB * Q-BRIDGE-MIB * BRIDGE-MIB