====== TrisulNSM Docker image on Ubuntu 16.04 ====== This article describes how you can go from a bare install of Ubuntu 16.04 to a fully running Trisul NSM system quickly. ===== Install Docker CE on Ubuntu 16.04 ===== The docker installation is very straightforward on Ubuntu 16.04 as it is an officially supported distribution. The official instructions [[https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository|"Get Docker CE for Ubuntu"]] work great. Just follow those instructions. $ sudo apt-get install docker-ce ===== Start the Docker service ===== After installing Docker CE you need to start the service. systemctl start docker ===== Pull the trisulnsm/trisul6 Docker image ===== The following command pulls the latest TrisulNSM image from Docker Hub but does not start anything. sudo docker pull trisulnsm/trisul6 ===== Run TrisulNSM on eth0 ===== The following command starts the TrisulNSM Docker image with the following properties - Captures from interface ''eth0'' - Stores persistent data in ''/opt/trisul6_root'' - Names the container ''trisul1a'' for ease of use sudo docker run --name=trisul1a \ --net=host -v /opt/trisul6_root:/trisulroot \ --d trisulnsm/trisul6 \ --interface eth0