====== Adding Logo to UI ======
This article explains how you can add logo to Trisul UI
===== Precondition =====
Please ensure the following steps are done before adding Logo to the Trisul User Interface.
- The dimensions of the logo must be 200 x 90 or nearly equal to that.
- The logo file should be in the 'tmp' directory.
===== Configuring OEM settings =====
* Go to the directory /usr/local/share/webtrisul/config/initializers
* Open the //oem_settings.rb// file.
* Change SHOW_CUSTOMER_LOGO=fasle to 'true'
cd /usr/local/share/webtrisul/config/initializers
vi oem_settings.rb
===== Copying the Logo file to Webtrisul =====
* Copy the Logo file file to /user/local/share/webtrisul/public/assets.
* Restart webtrisul.
cp /tmp/ /usr/local/share/webtrisul/public/assets/customer_logo.png
systemctl restart webtrisuld