====== AlienVault OTX Intel Checker ======
This app helps with providing guidelines for installing the AlienVault OTX Intel-Checker App in Trisul Network Analytics.
To check all artifacts in your network traffic against the threat IOCs found in AlientVault OTX and throw an alert in the UI.
===== Intel Framework for Trisul =====
* This App requires you to first install the [[tips:ioc_harvestor|IOC Harvestor]] app.
* Then, You can install this app by logging in as admin and selecting //Web Admin > Manage > Apps > AlienVault OTX Intel Checker.//
The //check_intel.lua// script just checks each of them against a LevelDB database..
===== Getting the AlienVault OTX into a LevelDB database =====
* Go to OTX and get an [[https://otx.alienvault.com/api|AlienVault OTX API Key]].
* On OTX,subscribe to any number of Pulses . Pulses are collections of IOCs from various sources.
==== Pre-requisites Ruby and LevelDB ====
The feed installation process needs Ruby and LevelDB installed on the Probe.
#apt install build-essential ruby libleveldb1v5
#gem install rake faraday leveldb
#yum install https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
#yum install leveldb
#yum install gcc-c++
#gem install rake faraday leveldb
Please ensure you run these commands in Root.
===== Installing Feeds =====
Compile the IOCs from OTX into a LevelDB database using the 'installfeed.sh' script as shown below.
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/trisulnsm/apps/master/analyzers/alienvault-otx/installfeed.sh
bash ./installfeed.sh ALIENVAULT_API_KEY
===== Viewing Alerts =====
When Trisul gets an IOC hit on any of the 14 indicators such as hosts, file hashes, SSL Certs, domains, urls - you will get an alert in the 'User-Alerts' group.