IPDR Watchdog

What is the use of this tool ?

Real time IPDR monitoring system that alerts when IPDR is down by sending email and syslog.

How it works ?

Procedure before running the script

Run cronjob as root user


Option Default value Info
-n 2 No of Engines
-c context0 Context Name
-s Hostname of your system Sytem Name
-k 0 Verbose
-t 70 Fixed seconds
-r 0 Router
-f 1 Flow

If the trisul is running in netflow mode then run the script with -f option or -r option if it is running with tap mode

The verbose argument will send syslog if the system is running . But doesn't send mail

Examples Using cronjob

* /10* * * * /usr/local/share/trisul-hub/ipdr_watchdog.sh

When the IPDR down you get this type of syslog

May  9 05:55:01 IPDR-TESTING trisul_flushd: Alert:probe0:context0:1715234100:0,0,0,0,0,IPDRUP:mailsubject:Trisul IPDR Alert System DOWN IPDR TESTING:mailsubjectUser ,Last flush time : (Thu May  9 05:55:00 AM UTC 2024)

When you assign a cronjob with -k argument you will get this syslog if the system is running


When your system is started after the down stauts you will get this syslog

May  9 05:55:01 IPDR-TESTING trisul_flushd: Alert:probe0:context0:1715234100:0,0,0,0,0,IPDRUP:mailsubject:Trisul IPDR Alert System UP IPDR TESTING:mailsubjectUser ,Last flush time : (Thu May  9 05:55:00 AM UTC 2024)
When you start the IPDR system after the IPDR-DOWN then you will be notified through mail that IPDR is up

Examples without using cronjob
/usr/local/share/trisul-hub/ipdr_watchdog.sh /ipdr_watchdog.sh