====== what it Audit Log ====== Audit log is a trisul feature which allows you to monit the overall activities in trisul like login, logout, create/delete user, password change, start/stop node ...etc. ====== How to use it ====== trisul writes all the audit logs in a fill called ''audit.log'' which is located in usr/local/var/log/trisul-hub/webtrisul/ you can open this file and see the logs. ====== Log Format ====== Here is an example audit log entry 19-09-2024 18:39:14 INFO user default - User successfully logged in ===== Format ===== ^ Name ^ Sample Value | |Time stamp | 19-09-2024 18:39:14 | |Sevierity Level | INFO | |User IP Address | | |User name | user | |Context name | default | |Log message | User successfully logged in |