11.2. PDF Reports

This section describes the readymade reports available in Trisul.

Installing librsvg2

Trisul requires the librsvg2 library in order to generate charts for PDF reports. This is not included in the installation package as it requires several megabytes of packages. You can however easily install it yourself.

# on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install librsvg2-bin
# on centos
yum install librsvg2-tools

If fonts on your charts are not displaying properly , you may also need to install the following package.

Install the ms-fonts package found on rpm.pbone.net

wget ftp://ftp.pbone.net/mirror/ftp5.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/repositories/home:/Kenzy:/packages/CentOS_7/noarch/ms-fonts-1.1-2.4.noarch.rpm

rpm -Uvh ms-fonts-1.1-2.4.noarch.rpm

Accessing reports

Select Reports by clicking on the PDF Icon in the top menu section


The reports are grouped into :

Executive Single click reports for traffic and security overviews
End Points and Applications Detailed usage reports for a particular IP, application, or Netflow interface
ISP Peering Analytics Top Level ISP Reports for AS,Country,Prefix, etc
Commonly Used Single click commonly used reports
Netflow Commonly used netflow reports
Direct reports Reports for any type of counter, flow, or security data types in Trisul

11.2.1 Time Range

The various time ranges are explained below :

Today Till Now From midnight today till now
Yesterday 24 hours yesterday
Pick day Pick a day from a calendar from the past 3 months
Pick week Pick a day to generate a weekly report for that entire week
Custom Directly specify a from date and to date

11.2.2 Customizing the PDF

You can customize the PDF to include your organizations logo and taglines.

Adding logos
  1. Logos can be placed in the 3 corners of the PDF except the top-right
  2. You need to replace 3 images (32×32) in the /usr/local/share/webtrisul/public/images directory
  3. The images names are expected to named as follows
  4. logo_tlhs.png → This image is placed on the top-left of the PDF
  5. logo_blhs.png → This image is placed on the bottom-left of the PDF
  6. logo_brhs.png → This image is placed on the bottom-right of the PDF
Customizing names

Refer to the oem_settings for instructions.