Announcing the Lua API to Trisul

Announcing the Lua API to Trisul

We are delighted to announce a powerful LUA API for Trisul.

Over the past year, we have worked with several customers, both paying and those running the 3-day rolling window version, and found most of them asking us for custom metering. We have over 160 network metrics out of the box, with several mechanisms to derive your own. Still users want to add in their own that doesnt fit in anywhere else. Some requests;

  1. Need new packet length counter. A financial institution trying to reduce their bandwidth charges.
  2. Need a counter group tracking Browsers into our web farm.
  3. Need to alert when some application specific string is seen.
  4. Need to log certain things
  5. Need IP TOS counter but only for certain servers.

It is the nature of such deep network monitoring that you can never build a set of metrics that can satisfy everyone. We’ve taken a major step forward with the LUA API.

The Lua API

LUA is a very popular small but functional, fast and threadsafe language. We have embedded Lua into the Trisul core, which is written in C/C++. You can write Lua scripts that plug into key processing logic within the Trisul engine. With these scripts you can create your own counter groups, log activity, take action such as generate SNMP traps, and much more.

Getting started

You can get started

– Lua API Documentation home
– Getting started Tutorial

We will be extending this API further in the coming days. Stay tuned.

Free Download Trisul 4.0

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