We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature called Cross Keys. This feature allow you to meter and visualize arbitrary information flows which is not feasible with any other method without throwing heavy hardware resources at it.
We are excited to introduce a powerful new feature called Cross Keys. This feature allow you to meter and visualize arbitrary information flows which is not feasible with any other method without throwing heavy hardware resources at it.
Network flows or conversations are a very important part of network security and traffic analytics. Trisul has always had excellent support for reconstructing, storage, and querying of very large scale flow databases.
We are pleased to make the following announcements.
New Ubuntu 18.04 repository ready to install packages
We just released new packages of Trisul which include many features which make many Network Security Monitoring and Traffic Analytics workflows even easier.
New packages of Trisul Network Analytics have now landed on our download page. The features here are carefully selected to put advanced network traffic and security monitoring features into the hands of all enterprises big and small.
We are delighted to announce our latest release “Trisul 6.5”. We think this is our best yet. We have rolled into this lessons learnt from watching users of our previous releases and other tools. Our goal is to make Trisul the go-to tool for full blown NSM and deep network traffic analysis.
We are pleased to announced a new developer resource Trisul Devzone This will be useful for those using the Lua Scripting interface or the Ruby TRP API to automate Network Security Monitoring tasks.
We are excited to announce TrisulNSM Docker This is a new Network Security and Traffic Monitoring (NSM) platform that includes everything you need in a single easy to use docker container.
Using plain Lua you can write powerful network analytics scripts on the Trisul platform. We have packaged some of our frequently used scripts into production ready Trisul Apps. Take a look at our Lua API for more on that.
Hey ! Trisul users. We’re excited to announce Trisul Apps
Its a collection of plugin extensions you can install,upgrade,remove with a single click to enhance the capabilites of Trisul.