New builds of Trisul Network Analytics 5.5 are now available.
In a number of installations Trisul lives in a system where syslog is automatically forwarded to logging systems like an ELK stack, ELSA, or Splunk.
We have uploaded new PDF documentation for developers using the Trisul APIs

Hey Trisul users, we’ve got a maintenance update to Trisul 3.0.

We are working like crazy trying to get Trisul 3.0 out the door by mid-April. We are so excited by the advanced SSL/TLS analysis features in 3.0, we cant wait that long to share some details.

Hey all, we have a new Trisul update with some significant enhancements.
Payload search is an exciting new feature in Trisul 2.6.

Lets take a look at a new feature in Trisul called “Automatic Flow Tagging”. I am going to explain why you would want this feature in the first place and how to put it to use here.