Trisul Blog
Due to popular demand from users running Trisul on the Security Onion distro, we have decided to also support Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 64-bit.
It took a while but we’re excited to announce the availability of Trisul 5.5.
In a number of installations Trisul lives in a system where syslog is automatically forwarded to logging systems like an ELK stack, ELSA, or Splunk.
Can your network analytics tool answer this query interactively ? Show me a list of top 100 flows that uploaded data to servers outside North America last week
We have some exciting new updates for Trisul Network Analytics 4.0.
We have uploaded new PDF documentation for developers using the Trisul APIs
This is a quick post to show you how you can do it in Trisul. I am not aware of any tool, free or commercial that offers a comparable feature.
What would be an appropriate detection strategy in the wake of the TLS Heartbeat based attack ? The most popular response is to incorporate the newly released Snort /Suricata IDS signatures into your ruleset.
The big news today is a new extremely serious vulnerability in OpenSSL called the “Heart Bleed”.
We are delighted to announce a powerful LUA API for Trisul.