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Hotfix Jan12025 Data Issue with Traffic Charts

We discovered an issue with the traffic metrics code that prevented viewing of traffic charts for dates beyond Jan 1 2025. As you can guess this is a rather major issue for most users.

A hotfix was made immediately available.

Details are here

This tech note describes SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to apply this hotfix.

Procedure (Only for Oracle/8 & oracle/9)

Although the issue impacts all packages. Instructions here are for RHEL/OracleLinux8 and RHEL9/OracleLinux9 only. Older platforms should just update all packages to the latest versions.

Step 1 : Download package

Download package from pre-release site - click

Download package from official site - click

If server has net connection you can directly download from site using wget or download package manually and push to server through sftp

Step 2 : Untar Package

tar -xf Jan-xx-xxxx.tar.gz
cd Jan-xx-xxxx

Step 3 : Uninstall trisul-hub

rpm -e trisul-hub

Step 4 : Install new trisul-hub

rpm -Uvh trisul-hub-xx-xxxx.rpm 

Step 5 : Check hub& probe are running

trisulctl_hub info context

You will see hub and probe

If probe is missing wait for some time and try the same command again. The probes will automatically connect after 15-20 seconds

Step 5 : Start the contexts

trisulctl_hub start context all 


Sample Output

A sample run

[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# rpm -e trisul-hub
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
   * stopping  context default
   + config0              stopped success.default
   + hub0                 stopped Successfully stopped context processes: default@hub0
   + probe0               stopped Successfully stopped context processes: default@probe0
   * trisul_cp_hub       hub0       stopped pid=2727
   * trisul_cp_config    config0    stopped pid=2714
   * trisul_cp_router    router0    stopped pid=2704
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# 
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# 
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# rpm -Uvh trisul-hub-7.0.3118-0.el8.x86_64.rpm 
warning: trisul-hub-7.0.3118-0.el8.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID a6cc1b18: NOKEY
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:trisul-hub-0:7.0.3118-0.el8      ################################# [100%]
Adding required libraries
Restoring license
Restoring static license
Restoring previous ssl cert
Restoring previous ssl cert
Bringing TRISUL HUB config files up to latest version
Setting setuid for trisulctl_hub exec
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/trisul-hub.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/trisul-hub0-context0.service.
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
Starting trisul-hub domain processes for /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * trisul_cp_router     started with new pid=10691    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/router0.cert
   * trisul_cp_config     started with new pid=10701    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/config0.cert
   * trisul_cp_hub        started with new pid=10714    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0.cert
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
   + hub0                 started Successfully started context processes: default@hub0
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@hub0 context default

Success ! Welcome to Trisul Network Analytics

This is a HUB-NODE installation.

[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# trisulctl_hub 
Connecting to domain0 
Trisul Network Analytics version 7.0.3118
Hub Node Management tool
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
probe0         default                  7.0.3179     INIT    DOWN     -           00h 00m 00s         2       profile0       online_rxring  
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> start context default
   + config0              started success.default
   + hub0                 started Context is already running
   + probe0               started Successfully started context processes: default@probe0
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@probe0 context default
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# rpm -e trisul-hub
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
   * stopping  context default
   + config0              stopped success.default
   + hub0                 stopped Successfully stopped context processes: default@hub0
   + probe0               stopped Successfully stopped context processes: default@probe0
   * trisul_cp_hub       hub0       stopped pid=2727
   * trisul_cp_config    config0    stopped pid=2714
   * trisul_cp_router    router0    stopped pid=2704
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
Removed /etc/systemd/system/
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# 
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# 
[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# rpm -Uvh trisul-hub-7.0.3118-0.el8.x86_64.rpm 
warning: trisul-hub-7.0.3118-0.el8.x86_64.rpm: Header V4 RSA/SHA256 Signature, key ID a6cc1b18: NOKEY
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
Updating / installing...
   1:trisul-hub-0:7.0.3118-0.el8      ################################# [100%]
Adding required libraries
Restoring license
Restoring static license
Restoring previous ssl cert
Restoring previous ssl cert
Bringing TRISUL HUB config files up to latest version
Setting setuid for trisulctl_hub exec
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/trisul-hub.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /usr/lib/systemd/system/trisul-hub0-context0.service.
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
Starting trisul-hub domain processes for /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * trisul_cp_router     started with new pid=10691    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/router0.cert
   * trisul_cp_config     started with new pid=10701    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/config0.cert
   * trisul_cp_hub        started with new pid=10714    public-key=/usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/hub0.cert
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
   + hub0                 started Successfully started context processes: default@hub0
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@hub0 context default

Success ! Welcome to Trisul Network Analytics

This is a HUB-NODE installation.

[root@o8k Jan01192445-centos_el8]# trisulctl_hub 
Connecting to domain0 
Trisul Network Analytics version 7.0.3118
Hub Node Management tool
   * found  trisul-hub    /usr/local/etc/trisul-hub/domain0/domain.xml
   * connecting to domain0 at ipc:///usr/local/var/lib/trisul-hub/domain0/run/ctl_local_req.hub0
   + connecting to domain [domain0] 
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> info context
node           context_name             version      init    state    size_disk   data_window         #runs   profile        runmode
config0        default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 00m 00s         0       profile0                      
hub0           default                  7.0.3118     INIT    RUNNING  -           00h 04m 00s         0                                     
probe0         default                  7.0.3179     INIT    DOWN     -           00h 00m 00s         2       profile0       online_rxring  
trisul_hub:o8k(domain0)> start context default
   + config0              started success.default
   + hub0                 started Context is already running
   + probe0               started Successfully started context processes: default@probe0
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@hub0 context default
Log from default@probe0 context default

tips/jan2025hotfix.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/02 14:11 by veera