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Scan Slices

What is the use of the tools ?

Scans a slice directory and checks it is present in the Metaslice or not  and also it compares the timestamp of the slice directory with the slice timestamp present in metaslice .


Syntax Info
./scan_slices . Print all slice details of current directory
./scan_slice SLICE_NAME Print details of specific slice
./scan_slice /path/of/slice/directory Print all slice details in a given directory

Tuples of details

Parameters Info
Slice name Represent the name of the slice given or directory
Status Directory name of slices like oper,archive,ref
Meta slice timestamp It is present in the metaslice for a spefic slice
Topper timestamp It is present in the slice directory itself
tools/scan_slices.1715251860.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/09 16:21 by vignesh